Carlos Bedoya

(Mexico City, 1973)

Carlos Bedoya is an architect based in Mexico City and a principal of PRODUCTORA, a firm he co-founded in 2006 with Abel Perles, Víctor Jaime and Wonne Ickx.

He studied architecture at the Universidad Iberoamericana, in Mexico City, and received a master’s degree in criticism and design from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona.

Bedoya has lectured about PRODUCTORA’s work worldwide and has written about architecture in different media. He has taught at TEC de Monterrey, the Universidad Iberoamericana, Illinois Institute of Technology, and has led workshops in the United States and South America, MPAA11-Dual Workshops at ETSAM, Madrid, Spain, and professor at Bard College, Urban Creatures: Open practices workshop II.

He is a founding partner of LIGA, Space for Architecture, an independent platform that, since 2011, has stimulated an interchange of ideas and investigation on contemporary Latin American architecture.

Selected projects:
- (PRODUCTORA) Co-huosing, Denver, USA. Residential
- (PRODUCTORA) Houston Endowment Headquarters, USA. Offices
- (PRODUCTORA) Teopanzolco Cultural Center, Mexico. Culture